The forest fire at Möckelsjöberget is still under control – several helicopters help extinguish


  At lunchtime on Friday, he started burning at Möckelsjöberget in Utansjö. The fire spread quickly.

On Friday, a forest fire is declared in Möckelsjöberget along the E4 at Utansjö, in the municipality of Härnösand. The fire has since spread and is now raging on an area of ​​1000 times 1000 meters.

– We have two helicopters to help us and another is on the way. We will try to submerge now with water and try to control the fire, "says Mattias Åkerlund, internal officer of the rescue service of Ådalen High Coast.

Even the house and several others volunteers are in place to try to fight the fire.

  The rescue service, the warriors and volunteers are in place and work hard to fight the fire.

Is there a risk of spreading into a house?

– No, there should not be houses nearby, but there are trees and lands that are under threat. Then we have some problems with the smoke and a smoke cane that extends beyond the E4, but up to here it will not make it difficult for passengers to pass, "says Mattias Åkerlund .

The text is being updated.

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