The forest fire at Nackareervatet is ignited


Earlier in the day, the Södertörn fire department worked with the fire, which was considered extinct before lunch. But at ten o'clock a fire, the fire came on again. It 's about an area of ​​about 200 square meters in Nackareservatet near Brotorp and Skarpnäck. Smoke fires are visible on large parts of Södertörn.

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At four o'clock, firefighters report that the fire is back under control. 150 times at most 150 meters. We continue after and can last three more hours. There are no wounded. At most, we were maybe twenty people. We are now at ten o'clock, says Ulf Sjöholm

– We have no naked flames, but they are not completely extinguished. When it is as dry as it may take several days before it is completely safe, says insider Anders Handell.

When DN arrives at the site, many firefighters sit down and eat a late lunch. No open flame is visible but it burns in several places in the blackened field. Firefighters rinse the water where it smokes.

– There are snow forests nearby and we want to avoid spreading it. Anders Handell

Firefighters also plan to keep the fire going at night so as not to blow it up again

– The hope is that we can leave the fire at night Those who work the day should return at home. Then the night shift will go again. It is risky to go home early such fires, "says Anders Handell. [ad_2]
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