The fugitive prisoner is now sought abroad


Prison transport was en route to a forensic psychiatric clinic in Gothenburg at the Salberga in the Sala trap when they stayed near Laxå just after 11:30 am Thursday to let the prisoner be equal . Kristofer Kastellanoss a 25-year-old murdered young man, pushed a prisoner and ran away from the transport. No employee has managed to come to him, and research has been going on since, two days ago.

Kristofer Kastellanoss was sentenced in April to 14 years in prison for murder. Image Source: Police

– The prosecution alerted us and told us what had happened. Jörgen Westlin Press Attaché of the Police at News24

The Space Recovered by Car

According to Aftonbladet data, the inhabitants of the area should have observed a car on Friday morning, picking up a person.

Christina Hallin confirms that important resources are included.

– We have a helicopter, a MC driver and a dog driver on site.

She continues:

– We want to get in touch with us at 112 if you see something we can use in our work.

Detected at Stall

Now murdered Kastellanoss Kristofer has been in space for 24 hours. Aftonbladet tells that a woman living in the area told that she was standing drinking coffee when she saw a red comb in front of her house.

– I'm not sure if there were two or three men, I was so shocked. They had sunglasses and big headphones around their necks, said the woman to Aftonbladet.

Then she suddenly saw a man come out of his cabin, suspecting the place where Kristofer Kastellanoss had crashed towards the car.

– He looked very well trained and determined, his eyes straight.

Police searched the garden behind the woman's house, as well as two stable buildings.

Internationally Searched

More than two days now, an international survey will be launched.

– Man works to get an international investigation, police officer, Jan Materne told Aftonbladet

Thanks to Interpol, police are working to get an international investigation. 19659006] – Our station commander works with this bit so that it is implemented during the day, says Materne to Aftonbladet.

He continues:

– He is locked in the system now, he will make it difficult to come out of the country. But it is of course possible to leave the country without passing the border control, of course

A special investigation is opened

– We are very serious about it. Claes Satisfied from Prison Corps to SVT

Claes continues:

– We did a safety assessment by the client and based on the planned and inhabited transport. To stop transportation outside the protected area is only done in case of emergency.

Detainee murderer in freedom

The man detained at 25, must be detained, be dressed in prison clothes and be barefoot, according to the police. He was recently sentenced to 14 years in prison by the district court for stabbings, according to SVT.

On Thursday, relatives of the victims were informed.

– This should not be possible, says Evin Cetin, who represents the relatives of the victims.

The man was sentenced in April to 14 years in prison for murder. The judgment is appealed to Svea Hovrätt. He was arrested in the meantime and was in connection with the transport of the prison. The relatives of the victim seriously look at the incident and wonder how this could have happened

– It is extremely serious that a prisoner convicted of murder in the district court even had the opportunity to # 39; welcome. It should not be possible. We are following developments closely and are waiting for the investigation into how space could be put in place, Cetin told SVT.

Aftonbladet writes that police warn people of the area because the man is dangerous and wants to avoid a hostage. According to the police, he can act aggressively and threatly.

The article is updated

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