"The health informatics system needs to be improved" – News


For three years, Åsa Cajander and fellow researchers at the University of Uppsala will take a closer look at ways to improve the digital work environment in the areas of care and healthcare. ;administration.

"I've been researching the computer system for ten years, and today there are many concerns," said Cajander.

For example, there are many different systems that do not talk to each other and you have to move information between different systems. It provides a fragmented work environment that creates a cognitive load.

– You're tired of the head when you do not have a computer system that takes one as it is supposed to, says Åsa Cajander.

One of the reasons is that those who build computer systems think too little about the consequences of new technology for the work environment.

– For example, nurses have a job where they move a lot and run everywhere. But the systems do not support this type of work at all, but they are fixed computers that are part of the premises, explains Åsa Cajander.

She is professor of human-computer interaction at the University of Uppsala. Afa Försäkring received SEK 3.7 million for a research project for system developers.

– Today, there are far too many IT projects that do not talk to those who will use the system when designing the system. System developers are often very interested in technology for the sake of technology. Åsa Cajander explains how people think and are not sufficiently included in their education.

During the first year of the project, researchers will examine how the latest technologies, such as artificial intelligence, AI and robotization, affect the working environment in health care . This will be done in particular in the health sector of the Uppsala region.

Over the next year, methods will be developed, in collaboration with system developers, on how to work in IT projects to create systems that create a good work environment.

In the third year, these methods will result in training material that the Prevent organization will make available to interested system developers.

– The health informatics system needs to be improved and I think everyone is in agreement. I hope I can contribute by pushing in the right direction, says Åsa Cajander.

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