The hottest day of the year at the entrance


The summer has been hot, unusually hot. However, it is not the turn and Tuesday is the hottest day of the year, according to the Expressen.

The entire country is expected to be above 30 degrees and the newspaper writes that heat warnings can be struck. On Tuesday, it will probably be the hottest day of the year in many places in Sweden, says Tora Tomasdottir, Meteorologist at Storm to Expressen

Most people hope it will rain to mitigate the drought which is rampant in the country. According to Tomasdottir, it is possible that they are raining in Sweden on Wednesday and Thursday. On the other hand, it will be dry for the weekend.

– What we are looking forward to is that it is probably dry Friday and this weekend, it is very difficult to predict rain showers.

According to, the temperature should not exceed 31 degrees at Växjö on Tuesday.

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