The joy of Serneholt after ultrasound


Marie Serneholt, 35, reports that Fredric Palmqvist, 32, felt that there would be twins. Serneholt himself could not believe it was true when they had been told. At the end of September, it is estimated that twins are born.

– Fredric had mentioned earlier that there would be twins. When I am then in the UK, my midwife looks at the screen and says, "Is this your first ultrasound?" "Yes," I replied, looking at the screen without knowing what I'm really going to see, and then she continues, "Do you see what I see?" And my guy is just "Is that two?" Then she answers "Jajamen!", She said.

Serneholt states that the pregnancy was not planned, but that the couple had already spoken to the children, but the twins that she was waiting for came in shock.

– Mom asked me a few days before the ultrasound of what I would say if there were two in there … That's what I did. I never thought, my stomach was so small, she said.

READ MORE: Marie Serneholt is pregnant – change – with love

"Do not recognize me"

Marie Serneholt speaks of unease during the pregnancy and that she has not recognized herself for a while.

– I did not recognize myself taking this tiredness and doing wickedness after all, you have everything but a pregnant glow … Since I'm pregnant, I'm also worried about my children. But she is only cheating so that worries do not improve, she says.

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