The leaking boat oil reached Torrö – Valdemarsvik


On Monday morning, the municipality of Valdemarsvik was informed that oil that had leaked from a ship that had passed outside Loftahammar had reached Torrö in the municipality of Valdemarsvik. The municipality on Monday issued an important message to the public on its website to avoid any contact with oil in the water and on land, as oil is likely to be dangerous to health.

– It's still serious when you have an oil spill – that's it "Monika Hallberg, Commander at Valdemarsvik

Last Monday, the Coast Guard was alarmed by the passing of oil. a cargo ship of a length of nearly 140 meters en route to Södertälje north of Loftahammar. A total of 400,000 liters of oil were aboard the ship at the end of the year, we still do not know how much oil has sunk.

On Sunday, oil reached the beaches of Flatjust, in the Västervik archipelago. Several ships were working to pick up oil from the water and the Coast Guard also took the help of planes for a better overview. The father on the outside of Flatvarp has also been closed to limit the release. But during the night, the oil moved and was discovered in the morning in Torrö

. The Coast Guard inspected the area on Monday and looked at what resources needed to be redistributed to Torrö and, if necessary, strengthened. The rescue service in East Götaland is ready to help if necessary. At the end of the day, the renovations will begin, says Monika Hallberg

The remediation works are based on Flat Radio, which serves as the base station. There is also the rescue service and the armed forces personnel in place. MSB, the Civil Protection and Emergency Agency, also sent a number of people who help with logistics management. The failed ship is now being examined by divers because the hull needs to be cleaned before it can be towed into the harbor.

On Monday afternoon, the Coast Guard blocked the water zone between the mainland and Huvudskär just south of the Olsklabb lighthouse. The closure will be valid until it is announced otherwise, says the municipality of Valdemarsvik

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