The Migration Court disapproves of the government high school team


secondary positions. The law passed by S, MP and C is so bad that the court does not judge it. A tried Iraqi was rejected because he could not make his identity probable. This involves a violent reaction on the part of the government

The Migration Court of Malmö ruled a case of a man from Iraq who said that he was a minor when he was come to Sweden. According to the court, he has not made his identity probable, but according to the new law, there is no requirement, but it is sufficient that the plaintiff has tried to prove his identity.

Low quality
The Malmö court will not apply it New enforcement law due to unmarried high school students, which came into effect at the beginning of the month
The reason is that part of the law is inadequate.

– The original bill has been criticized and controversial by several reference organizations. . The change in the government's proposal is important and departs from the clear and well-established regime that has existed for a long time. The proposal should therefore have been sent to a new referent, commenting the Director General Fredrik Löndahl in a press release

The declaration that the Malmö Migration Court has decided to grant a residence permit under the new legislation has come Friday morning
the preparation in the section concerning the reduced identity evidence is so inadequate that the legislation in this part does not apply.

Unidentified Identity
The target was for a young asylum seeker from Iraq who came to Sweden in 2015. The asylum seeker was tried a child when he came in Sweden but an adult when the Migration Board at the end of 2017 refused his asylum application. He did not make his identity likely, the court said.
Behind the verdict are Managing Director Fredrik Löndahl, Councilor Åsa Holmgren and Members Ulf Börkell (SD), Lars-Erik Larsson (SD) and Margareta Liljedahl Eriksson (S). The right is in agreement, according to the judgment.

Credibility lost
It is extremely unusual for a Swedish court to deny an Act of the Swedish Parliament. According to Mats Knutsson on SVT, it's a gross contempt of the government's legislative work. Despite the decision of the Law Council, you have proceeded. He believes that the Social Democrats will mainly lose their credibility in this respect

. This can also affect how the law will be enforced by other migration courts. Today 's decision is likely to appeal. If the verdict is determined by the highest court, the rest of the cases will also be dismissed.

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