The municipality of Nybro lost thousands of dollars


All the municipalities of Kalmar and Kronoberg County, with the exception of the Nybro Municipality, took note of the Government's money, distributed in all the municipalities of Sweden, due to the number of municipalities. residents and the number of children living in a household receiving financial assistance.

In many cases, it is several hundred thousand crowns. All the municipalities of Kalmar and Kronoberg received more than 200,000 crowns, with the exception of Borgholms municipality, which received 92,374 Swedish kronor.

When the SVT reaches Carina Åresved-GustavssonFinancial Manager and Acting Commissioner at Nybro Municipality, she does not know the payments at the beginning.

– We received payments for free summer vacation activities and we received money from the MUCF (Youth and Civil Affairs Authority). It is the money we asked for. I have to investigate this, "says Carina Åresved-Gustavsson.

After a few hours, Carina Årsved-Gustavsson calls SVT Småland.

"Our supervisor is now in contact with the welfare agency and it has become a misunderstanding at home, we did not ask for this money because we interpreted it as the same money as the MUCF, said Carina Åresved-Gustavsson.

How do you feel the loss of money?

"It is regrettable and late to apply for them now, however, we did not have any equivalent activities (no activity that could have organized activities for the children.) We will review our routines regarding these public grants targeted and hope that the social welfare council will be clearer, "says Carina Åresved-Gustavsson.

Although the municipality of Nybro was the only one not to apply for money in Kalmar and Kronoberg counties, it is far from alone in Sweden. The municipality of Arjeplog, the municipality of Finspång, the municipality of Ånge and the municipality of Trosa are just some of the municipalities in Sweden that did not take part in the money. provided by law.

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