The new information on the murder of Palm is presented in a new book


The book, written by journalist and writer Jan Stocklassa, takes place in writer / journalist Stieg Larsson's own investigation into Palm's murder.

Stocklassa worked with Stieg Larsson's book on tasks. But the theory presented in the book is that of Stocklass. Among other things, it is revealed that the enemy of Palme, who had already had an alibi, could have been on Sveavägen during the murder, writes Aftonbladet.

New theory

In particular, Stocklassa's theory associates professional assassins from South Africa and Swedish right-wing extremists. The police had ignored the potential offender, but the Palme group is actively working with the new tracks, according to Aftonbladet.

Larsson engaged in the murder and wanted to resolve it until his death in 2004. The Larsson Archives contain clues about right-wing people and organizations.

Indices left to the police

Stocklassa wrote in 2014 in Svenska Dagbladet about Palmspår of Larsson. Larsson delivered his documents to the police in 1987.

The new data presented in the book, released Monday, was forwarded to the police investigator.

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