The New York Stock Exchange is preparing for the best day since March


A ubiquitous speech by a Fed chief has sharply sped up trade in New York. Dow Jones is preparing for its best day in eight months.

At 6 pm Swedish On Wednesday, the Fed Chief's speech, Jerome Powell, was released, saying that the outlook for the US economy remained solid and that the interest rate was "just below" the so-called neutral territory.

"My FOMC colleagues and I, as well as many economists in the private sector, continue to show solid growth, low unemployment and inflation close to 2%," he said.

"We also know that the economic effects of our gradual rate hikes are uncertain and may take a year or more to be fully realized," he continued.

The speech has been interpreted while the US central bank is considering suspending its interest rate hikes. Shareholders had to press the buy button, the dollar down and the US interest rate down.

On 20 occasions, the Dow Jones rose 2.17%, and Wednesday could be the best day of trading since the end of March this year. At the same time, the S & P 500 gained 1.9% and the Nasdaq Composite 2.4%.

At the same time, the dollar falls, compared to the Swedish krona, it is down 7 øre and now costs 9,03 SEK. The 10-year US government bond interest rate fell 1 point to 3.05.

Among the companies Technological stocks stand out when they recover some of the fall. Netflix is ​​up 3.5%, Amazon and Apple 4.5 and 3.1%, respectively.

Large export companies such as Boeing and Caterpillar exceed all 4%, in the hope that the G20 weekend summit, which will bring together the Chinese and US presidents, will reduce tension on the tariff issue.

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