The NMR extends to Almedalen – will have a library


Previously, NMR rejected when they requested a tent in Almedalsparken. However, they were allowed to hold a team meeting three times in a special place called "Speakers Corner".

– They can be there for an hour on July 5, 6 and 7, Bjorn Knutsson, earlier.

However, the NMR applied for extended demonstration permits. Among other things, they asked permission to install a tent on Södertorg in Visby. This request was rejected for late submission. However, they were allowed to have a "cardboard" and distribute leaflets in a corner of the square.

In a yoga studio a few meters from the NMR demonstration, RFSL has its premises during the week of Almedal.

– This is a direct threat to us. We think it's terrible for them to get there and hate us, "said Sandra Ehne, spokesperson for RFSL.

NMR chief Simon Lindberg ] was sentenced to three months in prison in 2007 for a hate attack against a schlager party organized by RFSL, he is one of those who should be speaking at Almedalen.On Monday, the young people of RFSL decided to completely cancel their participation in Almedalen.The central organization will still be present, but the youth federation will send its representatives home.

– It's very boring and we were ready to be there and had a security plan But that does not cover the presence of the so-called NMR, we go there as young HBTQ and are already a vulnerable group, and we think we can not guarantee our own safety, "said Frank Berglund, president federal.

Elisabeth Anestad Police Assistant Police Chief, stated that the police had sufficient resources to counter the crime. place.

– We fully understand that RFSL may feel uncomfortable, but the basic law is very clear. Everyone in Sweden has the right to express their point of view. We can not guess in advance that someone will commit crimes. But if there are crimes that constitute crimes, we will act, says Elisabeth Anestad.

And adds:

– We protect the freedom of manifestation of everyone. We can say that we are color-blind, but we are absolutely not deaf. We see and are able to prosecute people who commit crimes.

"Color Blindness" recalls Deidre Palacios Vice President of RFSL. She is more angry with the police than with the RMN. The protection of minorities is a central element of democracy, she recalls, and the police act with naivety.

– The police told us that it is positive that NMR demonstrates that it is good for democracy. We must pay a high price for the idea of ​​police democracy.

Frank Berglund and the youth of RFSL recall the direct threat of NMR.

– Even if they would not hit us on the spot, they will continue to film and share their hate propaganda on the HBTQ. And they can drag us in a month or the next, "said the federal president.

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