The oil of stranded ships landed


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The oil that escaped from the cargo Makassar Highway reached the mainland. Among other things, the Coast Guard and the Rescue Service are now working to map the leakage of oil and protect nature.

At 6 pm, Joakim Jansson, chief of rescue in Västervik, states that the oil from the boat landed in the village of Flatvarp on Stora Askö

– I dare not answer how much it is in stretching , he says TT

He says the rescue service is now working on oil capture and protection of natural areas.

– Currently, we distribute lint and fiber fabrics to collect oil. Our priority is to protect bird protection areas, nature reserves and sheltered coves, which is clearly difficult. We try to reduce the damage as much as possible

Aerial Map

The Coast Guard also participates in the work

– We are working with the municipality of Västervik to map where the oil is. We have flights in the air and, with the rescue service and the rescue company, try to find oil and take combative and restrictive measures, "said Valdemar Lindekrantz, head of communications at the Coast Guard) about the oil spill The chief of the Coast Guard urges everyone to avoid contact with oil in the water and on land, and the rescue service is demanding work [19659005] – We do not want people to move in the region Joakim Jansson

Several participants

A number of other organizations are involved in the process of cleaning up the oil. in place a staff on Sunday

– We asked MSB for a container containing oil protection resources and also chose our own resources.The focus is now on the fact that we will try having to protect the berries and direct the oil so that it can be picked up at sea, "explains Joakim Jansson


– We have our own rescue staff inside, we have tried to establish boats because we have our own group of volunteers who will help us, says Joakim Jansson.

The oil comes from the cargo Makassar Highway, which worked a few weeks ago. stuck outside Lofthammar. Violent winds caused the vessel to explode for this reason

According to a Coast Guard press release, the vessel, which is now anchored, is still floating.

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