The operations in Sollefteå are canceled because of the heat wave: "Can only regret"


The Västernorrland region writes in a press release that the prevailing weather is that the air humidity in the operating theaters and sterile stores exceeds the recommended values. This, in turn, means that the sterile environment can not be guaranteed and therefore all operations during week 31 will be fixed.

– I can only regret the emergence of the situation, but we can not risk patients with infections when we can not guarantee a sterile environment. Patient safety must always be paramount, "says Johan Nilsson, Head of Länsvirksomhet Ortopedi Department, in the press release.

Although the ventilation system was fully powered, values ​​of more than 80% humidity were measured several times. By raising the temperature, the humidity can be reduced, but that has not helped enough. It should also not be possible to use standalone dehumidifiers in the operating rooms because of the risks of infection.

Moisture is measured several times a day in appropriate spaces. The county council properties will visit Sollefteå on Wednesday to see if there are other opportunities to improve the indoor climate.

Overall, there are approximately 20 people who are suffering and undergoing surgery during week 31.

– All those affected will receive a new surgical appointment the most soon possible and they will not end Sex, says Johan Nilsson, in the press release

The staff, including the doctors on duty, is transferred to the reception work during the period of cancellation of operations and strengthened at Department 16 of Sollefteå Hospital

. are acceptable values ​​of the air humidity in the operating rooms.

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