The Party of the Environment wants to make the drought the question of the elections


Visby. The drought around Sweden becomes a central element of the election campaign of the Party of the Environment

The goal of a new campaign is that climate and environmental issues take up a lot of space before the elections.

– The drought that affected Sweden, Scandinavia According to Lövin (MP), the official language, the northern hemisphere is extremely extreme

Sunday is the last day of the week Almedals this year and the last is on the scene of the Linguistic Pipeline of the Party of the Environment, Isabella Lövin. With this speech, the Greens, who are at the bottom of the polls, come to a campaign before the elections of 9 September.

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– We do it to make it true for people what climate change will mean. The drought affecting Sweden and Scandinavia and important parts of the northern hemisphere is extremely extreme, she says.

– Although it can not be said with certainty that every weather event has a bearing on climate change, we know a warmer climate.

Countryside around drought

The party asked the public to submit photos from different parts of Sweden – where the drought was visible. The promise of the campaign is directed to the parties of the Alliance and the Swedish Democrats – which does not mean taking the issue seriously.

Isabella Lövin says that drought is only one example of what will happen if climate change is not seriously realized. affect Swedish agriculture, our food security and food production. Therefore, we need an ambitious climate policy and that will be the elections this fall. If we continue to drive a change from Sweden, continue driving and be international models and focus on the climate.

"The future we risk"

The deputy language pipes say that she has encountered much discomfort known for this year. hot and dry weather and she shares the concerns.

– It's the future we will get if we do not change. And we are already seeing the effects today with all the hurricanes, floods and more violent skies around the world. It's serious and it affects us in our daily lives. We want to show that with our campaign.

What do you say to those who think the question is so important that no matter what they do themselves?

– I understand that you may feel helpless. This is precisely why we need a government that sets laws and ensures that we get a conversion. Every human being can not do the anatomy of the climate itself. We must make sure that we have laws and instruments that change the industry and that we can get a charging infrastructure for electric cars and high speed trains that replace the plane.

They were the linguistic channels of the Party of the Environment 00:45

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