The plan: The snow should stop the fire extinguished


The snow of several ski resorts can be used to extinguish the forest fires ravaging the Trængslet in the municipality of Älvdalen

The method has never been used

– This fire requires creative ideas, says lifeguard Johan Szymanski.

The fierce forest fires ravaging the Trængslet in the municipality of Älvdalen are still under control.

The emergency service announces Tuesday night and has certainly been calm, but strong winds and high temperatures may worsen the situation. 1 of 2 | Photo: Nisse Schmidt

A wheel loader loads snow from Idre fjäll that can be used for extinction in Älvdalen

– During the day we received three water bombs and helicopters that we asked in other parts of the country. here at the beginning. But the fire is still far from being under control, says chief of emergency, Johan Szymanski.

Ammunition Still Threatening

The ammunition that exists in the area and is likely to explode is a major challenge. Last week, a grenade exploded.

– We are working to strengthen restricted areas and work with pipes. In most areas, we can not enter with field personnel because of ammunition.

Artificial snow from the mountains

Johan Szymanski said in previous interviews that the fire probably will not go out before the snow. earlier than expected.

The rescue service plans to collect snow stored in various ski resorts to bend the fire.

– The water evaporates quickly. The theory is that artificial snow can work well because it automatically fills up with more water in the soil.

The snow that they want to take from Idre, Sälen and Vasaloppet, which saves snow before the winter season.

The plan is that a test will be conducted to see if the snow can extinguish the fire.

– At the present time, this is not possible because we only have one way in the fire zone and it must be used by our staff, "says Johan Szymanski.

"Risks of our spring season"

Idre Mountain announces that it has received a request from the Municipality of Mora

– We are absolutely ready to leave snow if necessary, but there are logistical challenges. If there were going to be huge quantities, that would threaten our spring season, so there would be economic problems that would be difficult for us, says Andreas Starenhed, CEO of Idre Fjäll.

The Vasaloppet has not yet received a concrete request from the municipality.

– But if we get it, it's a matter of setting up. We have 12 to 15,000 cubic meters of snow available. Per Källgren, press officer, believes that it is the snow that we have saved, but it is less important with respect to a social problem


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