The proliferation of algae continues in the Baltic Sea – P4 Blekinge


– It's been like that for a long time now. Magnus Larsson, oceanographic watchdog at SMHI, explains that all of the cyanobacteria that make up the algae bloom, enjoys good heat and benefits from windy weather that does not affect the algae. ;water.

See map of algal blooms at the Baltic Sea Information Center.

Before the weekend the Baltic Sea Information Center reported that the situation had calmed down since the previous one. On weekends, surface collections are still widespread in Kalmarsund, around Gotland and in the Stockholm Archipelago.

The proliferation of algae has not been so disturbing until now.

– The current situation is quite normal for the season.

The supposedly hot weather next week could, however, contribute to an even greater proliferation of algae, as Magnus Larsson of SMHI

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