The proportion of funerals varies greatly


The proportion of funerals varies between 100% of all the deceased last year in the churches of Malå and Överkalix in Luleå, 55% in Sundbyberg and Vaxholms in the capital.
It shows statistics of the Swedish church that the Siren news agency has processed,

72.9 percent of all who, however, was buried last year within the Church of Sweden, as the church newspaper announced earlier. This is down from 74.3% in 2016 and the lowest figure so far, according to the Swedish Church's own statistics.
"This is a natural consequence of the loss of members of the Church of Sweden, and the fact that we have received more of the other religions among the people of the country also gives a direct impression," says researcher Andreas Sandberg. at the Swedish Church, at the Siren News Agency.

At the turn of the century was buried nearly 88% of people died at a religious ceremony in the Swedish church. Since then, the figure has been steadily declining, with a tendency to some plandown for a few years after 2010. But since 2015, the downward trend seems to have picked up.

Clearly the lowest percentage Funerals are held in some immigrant neighborhoods of metropolitan areas, such as Angered in Gothenburg and Spånga-Kista in Stockholm.
– Here too, the proportion of members in the Swedish Church is relatively low. The situation is quite different in many sparsely populated municipalities where most people are born in Sweden. Anchoring in the church is also traditionally stronger in rural areas, says Andreas Sandberg in Siren.

This is clearly indicated In Luleå, the number of church funerals was over 90% in a dozen municipalities in the northern part of the peninsula. In addition to Malå and Överkalix, Övertorneå and Jokkmokk are also more than 95% funerals. He also goes to Älvkarleby, south of Gävle in the Uppsala Stift and Torsby in the Karlstad Pole.

In general, however, the curve also points downward in the country, in the same way as the evolution that also appears with regard to baptisms, marriages and confirmations.

Compared to 2016 the proportion of church funerals declined last year in all but four counties and most in Jämtland County. Only in Dalarna, Kalmar, Uppsala and in western Norway, the proportion of funerals in the church has increased in 2017.

* 66,938 people were buried in the church of Sweden, ifjol. It is equal to 72.9% of all the deceased.
* In Malå and Överkalix, all the dead cults were buried in the church of Sweden. The proportion was lowest in Sundbyberg and Vaxholm at 55%.
* Those who are not included in church numbers may have had a civil funeral, funeral in any other religious community or no ceremony at all. The share that was not at all ceremony was 6.4% last year. But this proportion also varies considerably. The highest is in Stockholm with

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