The requirements of Annie Lööf as Stefan Löfven can join


The Expressen State Judge, Jenny Madestam, believes that there are two interpretations of the purpose of the list of requirements of the head of the center, Annie Lööf, consisting of to let the leader of S, Stefan Löfven, become prime minister.

The leader of the center, Annie Lööf, has imposed strong demands on the release of the Social Democrats.


"The first is that this is a first bid in a trading, then you place a maximum bid.You can not trade with an average bid in a trade, but you put your highest and the highest bid. The second interpretation is that it is the party platform of the Center Party, and if the Social Democrats do not agree with that and the party of the center does not intend to blow a millimeter, you can tell the voters that they tried, but that did not happen and the Social Democrats end up with Black Petter, said Jenny Madestam, who passed by the pass, point by point.

Reduction of taxes at work and in companies

The Center Party wants to reduce the income tax for all and raise the threshold when employees start paying taxes by cutting marginal taxes. The party also wants to reduce the corporate tax.

– The employment tax deduction itself is not really a big deal for S because it has been adapted to say it. The problem is to know if there is a tax break for high income people. It is billed to the Social Democrats and the LO collective. Reducing taxes for businesses is less problematic, I think it could be included in a negotiation, "said Jenny Madestam, state expert at Expressen.

Liberalize housing and labor markets

The center party wants more liberal rent, especially for new housing. They want to reduce the employer's fees and remove them completely when companies hire a first employee.

– This introduces a kind of market rents, as it is essentially a charge to Social Democrats. It's a tough one to break. Liberalization of the labor market is not entirely unthinkable, with flexible security – openness to some form of flexibility. This question is not totally angry, but it should not be a question of the total liberalization of labor law or the overthrow of the rules. Jenny Madestam says that Bromsklossen is the LO collective and that the left wing in S remains skeptical.

Ensure freedom of choice in terms of well-being

C wants to facilitate the management of health care companies and wants greater freedom of choice in health care and schooling.

"This question should not really be great to agree on: Freedom of choice in social protection is something the Social Democrats have also accepted, so to speak, I do not know if in this requirement you are generating welfare benefits, but it's also a question that S has "given up" or has been told that it will not go to parliament, so it's also a The leftist party is the most skeptical, and a center-backed S-government will also need the support of the left-wing party, and this issue raises a nasty problem. Jonas Sjöstedt wonders if it is more important to have Stefan Löfven as prime minister than to stop for profit.

Reforms of freedom and property in rural areas

C wishes to remove the building permit requirements for farm owners who are building near their farm, removing portions of the beach hut and allowing the sale of alcohol on the farm.

"Generally speaking, at the general level, the focus is on the rural world, which Stefan Löfven is also very keen on and who has conducted the research in the rural world." I do not think this requirement is the biggest stumbling block.For example, if it is a pet tax, we will enter the environmental part, which will also be part of the. ;equation.

Revised travel rules

The center party wants small and medium-sized businesses to avoid the rules of the tour.

– It's hard. The rules are a rule for which the LO is very strong and I do not really know how to argue against the collective LO and the left.

What is talking about agreeing on this issue?

"I do not know what could be for If you set special rules, it may be a sector where there is a real need for more leeway as an entrepreneur. That there is some sort of special solution if you start negotiations about it.But in general, it can be said that there are quite a few things that talk about it.

A lower entry wage for New Zealand jobs

The center party wants companies hiring newcomers to be able to pay them a lower entrance fee and lose the employer's fees.

"It is also one of the painful toes of LO that you will have to walk in. There is real resistance to arguments that this would reduce wages in general.It is hard, but here it is also possible that you find different special solutions, but on the whole it will be difficult to get along, I think.

Reduced employer fees for small businesses

The center party wants to reduce the employer's fees and remove them completely when a company hires its first employee or hires a New Zealand.

"However, the Social Democrats are still on the boat as they want to facilitate the small business sector.It's eventually negotiable.The argument is that there would be a more efficient tax and that's are entrepreneurs who, through the contribution of the employer, should bear the costs of their employees.But the question of the rules of moving and reducing the entry premium is less burdensome, "said Jenny Madestam.

LO requirements

Do not touch wages, labor legislation or wage formation. Several LO teams do not want to see Chief S, Stefan Löfven, agreeing with some of the stricter requirements of Center Manager Annie Lööf.

"After seeing what has been seen, it creates a worry, of course, it would be strange if not," says Johan Lindholm, who insists that he will closely monitor developments for members.

"It's clear that labor law is a sensitive topic for us," said Valle Karlsson.

Wage formation, with lower legal wages for newcomers, is another problem for which the unions certainly do not want to give up politicians.

"It's really serious if politicians think that they can better solve this problem," said Johan Lindholm, who believes members are worried about what S and Stefan Löfven would like to sell in negotiations with the company. Center.


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