The search for 12 years is intensified | Gothenburg after


According to the police, the boy disappeared Tuesday at 17 hours from his home in the district of Tröingeberg, in the north-east of Falkenberg.

At the time of his disappearance, he wore a light blue jacket with a luv and black shoes with a reflex. He has blond hair, a height of 140 cm and a slim bodybuilding.

"Just before age 23, we launched a special event on the subject," says Göran Carlbom, commander of the West West Police.

This means that the police allocate additional resources to search for the boy.

"There are police resources and a lot of volunteers, including Missing People," said Göran Carlbom.

Military participates in research

Wednesday morning, the boy was still not found. Police, missing persons and the public have been searching for the night and efforts will be intensified during the day.

– The helicopter was unable to lift during the night due to weather conditions. We will now gather more resources in the morning, "said Göran Carlbom.

Even a hundred soldiers were invited to participate in the search on Wednesday. Södrarådet is currently the whole of Falkenberg and its surroundings.

"There is no suspicion of crime at the moment," said police spokesman Peter Adlersson.

Monika Hirseland from Missing People is in Falkenberg and says that research involves a lot of commitment.

"During the night, about 300 people watched and in the morning we leave," she says.

The person likely to have information is asked to contact the police at 114 14.

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