The seven obstacles of Stefan Löfven to the formation of the government


Stefan Löfven (S) has a week to succeed in forming the government.

But his challenge is difficult.

Aftonbladet mapped the biggest obstacles on the road.

Stefan Löfven explores the possibilities of forming a new government. He got this assignment after the failure of the chief executive, Ulf Kristersson.

On Monday, Löfven presented a mid-term report to the President and announced that he would continue his efforts over the coming week. At the same time, he will invite all party leaders, with the exception of Jimmie Åkesson (SD), to renew his calls.

But Löfven concluded that the situation was still very much blocked and that no party would ever change positions. He hopes new discussions will speed up the process.

"I consider the situation difficult and complicated," he said.

The plan plan is to work toward the middle, with the center party and the liberals. He also said that he also wanted to continue his cooperation with the Party of the Environment.

Aftonbladet has, through conversations with the leaders of the various parties, mapped the obstacles that prevent Löfven.

1. The promises of Annie Lööf

The Löfven goal had long been to attract C and L and form a cross-border government or initiate cooperation at the Riksdag. Although Annie Lööf did not accept the models that Ulf Kristersson wanted to go with, that does not mean that she will make life easier for Löfven.

In the electoral movement, the party leader C promised not to contribute to the influence of the Swedish Democrats, while declaring he wants to replace Löfven as Prime Minister and that his party would not be led by a government led by South.

She wishes to see an alliance government anchored above the S or MP block boundary. The leader L, Jan Björklund, has shown himself more open to what he said, while asserting that his prime minister's candidate is Ulf Kristersson.


Annie Lööf (C) previously stated that her party would not be part of a government led by S.

2. the prime ministers

Löfven says he is open to several constellations when he wants to try to form a government. But one thing is clear: the formed government is led by the social democrats who will hold the post of prime minister.

The position has been strongly criticized by L and C, which means that Löfven only wants to work together if he is allowed to sit at the helm.


Stefan Löfvens (S) is not ready to compromise on the post of prime minister.

3. policy

To attract C and L with cooperation, it is necessary to judge the major political concessions of S. But in several fields, C and L are very far from S on the political level. This concerns, inter alia, labor market policies, taxes and benefits in social protection.


In many areas, C and L are very far from S.

4. Party and LO

S is often described as one of the two legs of the labor movement. The second step, LO, must also participate in what Löfven does. The union has invested tens of millions of dollars to help S in the electoral movement and now wants to pay.

Last week, Löfven said at a press conference.

"I really think that there are such solutions that meet the needs of Swedish companies to cope with the ups and downs, so that every individual feels safe in the job market.

The statement was interpreted to mean that Löfven was ready to deal with labor law, a sacred cow of the labor movement. Among other things, C requires more flexibility for employers.

The president of LO, Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson, immediately responded by saying that it was a matter of social partners and not politicians.

The South American leader later stated that he did not mention labor legislation at all, but it shows how difficult it can be for Löfven internally.


President of LO, Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson.

5. The Alliance

Since he became head of S in 2012, Löfven said he wanted to break the block policy. But the four Alliance party leaders still say that they want to stay together, now and before the elections of 2022. Bourgeois co-operation has come to take power in S. And although the parties are deeply in disagreeing with the government's question, Annie Lööf and Jan Björklund said one of their most important goals is to stay together.


The party leaders of the alliance say that they want to stay together.

6. Left Party

For Löfven to be tolerated as Prime Minister of the Riksdag, he must also be supported or released by V. Jonas Sjöstedt said that he thought Löfven would be prime minister, while demanding political influence to support such a government. Successfully working with C and L while V supports is a major challenge for Löfven.


Jonas Sjöstedt (V).

7. Swedish Democrats

The party of Jimmie Åkesson, Speaker of Parliament, is another major hurdle.

The leader of the SD has threatened to trap all the governments that do not exercise the influence of his party, while stating that the SD can tolerate more easily a government led by M than an equivalent of Löfvensk.


Jimmie Åkesson (SD).

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