The sports channel picked up the burkini on the site


On Wednesday, Dagens Nyheter announced that the sports chain Stadium would start selling full swimsuits, burkini, mainly worn by Muslims.

– Stores have received inquiries from their customers regarding this product. We then chose to listen to meet the demand, said Angelica Larsson, Press and Information Officer at the Stadium.

SVT News reports that several people have asked critical questions on the sports channel's Facebook page. Several people should have threatened to boycott the store.

Since then, the garment has disappeared from their website.

"Something is wrong," says Angelica Larsson to SVT Nyheter, but does not want to know if the garment has disappeared as a result of social media criticism.

Burkini stadium disappeared from the site after critics

Later, the Stadium declares that they are investigating the reason the garbage has disappeared from the site, stressing that they "strongly abstain from any religion, politics, culture, religion, ethnicity and all that does not belong to the world of sport ".

Thursday night, the garment had always disappeared from the online store.

"We react and wish to emphasize the fact that Stadium is opposed to any form of oppression", writes the company on facebook.

The question of burkini has already been debated several times. In March, the municipality of Mjölby announced that it had stopped hiring the burkini in public baths.

"It is still permissible to wear burkini in public baths, but we, as a municipality, do not want to supply them, it does not correspond to our values," said Anneli Sjöstrand (C), Vice-President of the Council culture and recreation.

In France, a woman was fined after being found on a sand beach burkini in 2016. The same year, several French cities have imposed the ban on the swimsuit.

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