The stock market opens up – Eskilstuna Kuriren


The OMXS index broadly increased by 0.3%.

The SSAB steel group was among the winners, whose share rose 1.4% after the company, according to the Dagens Industri newspaper, made positive statements about an investment in the US plate market in 2019.

Dustin's share has risen 7.4 percent since Kepler Cheuvreux analysts made a buy recommendation, according to news agencies.

Big banks slowed down, down 1.7% for Nordea.

Among the big losers, there was also the week's price, Tele2, whose share stood at 1.3% after two trading days with a strong exchange rate since the EU gave the green light for a sale of Dutch activities to Deutsche Telekom.

Market expectations for the G20 weekend summit in Argentina have generally been distorted. Many hope that this meeting will bring China and the United States to soften the trade climate in the world's two largest economies, despite the threat of rising tariffs of President Donald Trump ahead of the meeting.

The London Stock Exchange and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange both supported 0.1%, while the Paris Bourse remained unchanged.

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