The supervision screen between – supports the whole country


The extreme weather has disappeared as suddenly as it has come.

Now, a pressure boost from the Atlantic and Russia is sweeping the country – and the heat is here to stay.

– Meteorologist Erik Rindeskär estimates that the temperature will be high throughout the week. […]

On Monday, during the hot summer, the weather suddenly hit the western region of Sweden with lightning, clouds and hail. By the time the extreme weather conditions arrived, it was extinguished

– We had low pressure fronts that caused heavy rain, but the low pressure is now on the north of Germany and does not concern us, explains Erik Rindeskär, meteorologist at Foreca. Gow / TT / TT NEWSLETTER N

Prediction: Atlantic and Russian Heat

Now the message of joy – at least for all those who love warmer temperatures. For the moment, the strong heat of the summer is entering again all over Sweden.

– There is warm air that is suitable throughout the country. According to Rindeskär, the day will be sunny in the morning and evening, with cloud clouds

The ridge of high pressure comes mainly from the Atlantic and extends to the British. islands, and in us. But the heat also comes from Russia

Risk of fire and firefighting

The temperature should be 22-28 degrees of sun – throughout the week. Except in the mountains where there is a risk of heavy rain and thunder Thursday, which lowers the temperature.

In addition to the high pressure that forms heat, the risk of rain is very low. At the same time, SMHI has issued a fire risk covering the entire country outside the mountains. Several counties, including Stockholm, Uppsala, Västra Götaland, have decided on a firewall.

– It is very sunny and low in the soil, so it becomes very dry in the soil, "says Erik Rindeskär.

Do You Know How Many Degrees It Was on the Hottest Day from Sweden? See the weather sheet that makes you wonder 00:30

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