The TV profile is suspected of a million frauds – known to the biggest loser and the dance


Simon Kachoa, 29, is famous for his popular TV programs such as "Let's Dance" and "Biggest Loser". Now he has been arrested and sentenced with suspicion of environmental fraud.

The arrest took place in a hotel in Västerås at 02:00 pm on Tuesday, experiences Expressen.

Three police officers then arrived on a bus and were stressed. They knew where they were going, if you say so, says an assessment officer and continues:

– Then they enter the hotel and legitimize a person, Simon Kachoa, by catching the lobby of the hotel. He was completely alone. He had no friends with him. They handcuffed him and, for him, he said, "The message to the lender continues.

Simon Kachoa was in the third season of "Biggest loser" in TV4, where he won.

"He did not resist"

According to the information provider, the arrest was calm.

"He was calm and made no resistance.It was finished in a few minutes.There were no guests but he was alone in the hall. He had dark clothes on him.

The prosecutor does not want to go into the details of the investigation, but says that there is a "preliminary investigation into an alleged fraud".

On Thursday, Kachoa was hired at the Västmanland District Court. There are eleven cases of alleged gross fraud.


According to the detention report filed by the prosecutor, Simon Kachoa is suspected of committing a serious fraud that should have been perpetrated between August 2016 and October this year.

The most recent alleged crime is a gross fraud of about 731,000 SEK. It should have been done in September and October 2018.

Total: more than 5 million crowns

According to the prosecutor, the total number of alleged crimes is approximately 5,435,000.

"There are a lot of goalkeepers, I do not have the exact number now," said prosecutor Fredrik Ingblad at the VLT.

Simon Kachoa will have settled the health claims that the participants paid in advance. Then, the trips did not leave. According to the VLT, about 70 people reported that Kachoa had been defrauded without having recovered the money for the missing trips.

The reason Kachoa is convicted is that, according to the prosecutor, he risks stealing, continuing to commit crimes or withdrawing evidence.

"He denies crimes is the only comment I can make for the moment", Kachoas defender Sargon De Basso wrote in a text.

In 2014, SImon Kachoa was also in TV4's "Let's Dance".


Suspected of blowing up people for health reasons

The request for arrest indicates:

 There is a risk that the suspect will deviate or in any way avoid prosecution or punishment.

 By removing the evidence or in any other way, the suspects may complicate the investigation.

The suspect is likely to continue his criminal activities.

Simon Kachoa was arrested in August, but has been abandoned since his absence.

Already in 2017, reports had been received regarding TV4's profile.

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