The weapon that allegedly killed van Gogh was sold at auction


He was found in a field in 1965 by a resident of Auvers-sur-Oise, the village of France where van Gogh spent his last months. Van Gogh borrowed the pistol from an innkeeper and went out on a wheat field where he aimed at the heart and pushed it away. He missed the target, but died a few days later, shot in the chest.

Vincent van Gogh's experts have long thought that he's committed suicide by shooting himself with the revolver. However, the theory was questioned and the auction house stated prior to the sale that it was impossible to establish with absolute certainty that the revolver was actually used by the artist.

However, before the auction of the pistol, scientific tests showed that its use should have been made around 1890 (which corresponds to the time of Van Gogh's death), and then grounded for decades, writes Artnet. . The revolver itself has never been sold before, but it is the subject of a general vision at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam.

The revolver was purchased by a private collector and was called "the most famous weapon in the history of art".

Read more: DN's criticism of the film "At the Door of Eternity" which deals with Van Gogh's life

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