"The youth march is here at night"


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  The multi-arena can be used up to 22. However, young people who play later than there are no penalties

– The youth march is here at night. They use the plan and they play music and gaps and shouting. This is a big problem and we are going to leave here because we can not live, says a tenant whose balcony is estimated 20-30 meters from the outside.

Another neighbor, who also wants to be anonymous, describes how this has happened disturbing noise since the opening of the multi-arena in late spring.

The fact of asking young people to show consideration has no effect, according to VLT neighbors.

Elderly woman testifies that she dared to say without fear

– That night, someone took my cat scale.

Even on the site of the VLT, the arena has been the subject of criticism. messages. Residents of Signature Ursinning complain about the high noise level of people using the stadium until 2:30 pm

Kristoffer Holgersson, property manager of Hallstahems, confirms that there have been problems . Tenants have heard repeatedly and complained.

– At 98% it is good for young people, but unfortunately there are those who do not respect the rules

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Bild: Magnus Östin

The multi-arena should not be used after 22 hours, it is the same time that applies to all types of interference in the residential area. Later, no one needs to hear the dunk from the neighbor's washing machine that is centrifuged or dipped in a basketball.

Disturbing tenants may be deported, but in terms of multi-arena, Hallstahem lacks sanctions. take is your dialogue. Generally it worked, the young people went there when they were told, but they can reappear a few hours later without knowing it, "says Kristoffer Holgersson

– We have no possibility of To have guards all evening

Since mid-July, Securitas has been assigned to visit the multi-arena at 22:30 in the evening.

Lock the stadium at night is wrong. Kristoffer Holgersson hopes that troubles can be reduced by talking to young people. It would be a shame if the multi-arena could not be left, he thinks.

– It is used diligently and shows that the need exists. But at the same time, it must be an acceptable housing environment for tenants.

There are also benefits that the multi-arena is in the middle of the residential area, he says. Parents can supervise their children and teenagers – and children can feel safe while playing and playing near their homes.

The multi-arena was built by the municipality of Hallstahammar. As the arena is close to Hallstahems House, the housing company took over the property on April 1st.

– The plan was built with money to improve integration, I regret that it has the opposite effect, says an anonymous neighbor. [ad_2]
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