Then Odenplan and Stockholm City stations will open again


The commuter train stations of Stockholm and Odenplan have been closed since Friday and affect thousands of travelers.

Following a crisis meeting that was held on Sunday, SL now has a happy message to everyone who travels to Odenplan. For Stockholm City, however, it seems darker.

– What I can say is that it does not look great. It looks disturbing. Today, it is impossible to provide forecasts for the opening of the Stockholm station, says Caroline Ottosson, CEO of SL.

Since Friday, July 13, Stockholm and Odenplan suburban train stations have been closed.

The reason is that escalators have not been safe enough – and without fully functional escalators, the stations can not be used for evacuation reasons.

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Odenplan Station Opens Monday

Closing has hit thousands of travelers forced to change trips – but now, at least, a positive message from SL [Photo:Privat

L & Escalator Stockholm climbing and backing. 19659004] Of the 21 escalators inspected at Odenplan, only three rostangreppers. Other escalators are guaranteed safe. As a result, SL decided to open the station tomorrow (Monday) at 4:10.

– We had one of the many meetings during intense days where we worked to solve the escalators problem. Now we decided to open the station on Odenplan to have another station on the suburban network, "says Caroline Ottosson.

Uncertain future for the city of Stockholm

The escalator survey of the city of Stockholm is still in progress and there are no forecasts as to the time of day. Opening of the station.

– We have not traveled all the 50 escalators at the station yet. Until this afternoon, we reached 16. Caroline Ottosson continues:

– What I can say is that it does not look great. It looks disturbing. It is impossible to provide a forecast for today when we could open the city of Stockholm. It is extremely regrettable that a station as important and fundamental in all Stockholm public transport is closed.

"Travelers Should Feel Safe"

The context of the closure is an incident last Monday where an escalator shone in the wrong direction. After a check on Friday, SL decided to close all the escalators for safety reasons.

Can Travelers Feel Safe When They Leave Odenplan?

– We start only the escalators that do not have any flaws or failures. Everyone lets us stand up. Travelers should feel safe on Odenplan tomorrow, explains Caroline Ottosson.

At SL's request, Otis is still working to determine the root cause of the failing component. SL has also commissioned an independent review of Dekra.

– The stations are relatively new. We took over the operation a year ago. So it is the Swedish transport authority that built the stations. It is Otis who is the pimp of the Swedish Transport Administration who delivered the escalators and it is clear that we are wondering how that could have happened, "says Caroline Ottosson.

The three titles of the day Sunday, July 15 00:29

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