Then, particularly vulnerable areas can be regained


Botkyrkabyggen has one extremely difficult task: we own and manage housing in three of the 23 most vulnerable areas of the country. On October 26, together with the Tenants Association, we brought together hundreds of people to learn more about safety work and how to improve safety and well-being in Botkyrka. Authorities, researchers, organizations, the police and the municipality are on site.

The conference is a Botkyrkabyggen is committed to strengthening security in our regions. As a social housing society, we can and must do more for security. But we can not do everything, we need more people working together to fight crime and promote the good powers of society.

According to Crime Prevention The council tells 53% of women living in socially vulnerable areas that they are very or rather in a precarious situation or that they refrain from leaving because they do not feel safe. The country's social housing companies can play an important role in changing this situation. Social sustainability efforts can also strengthen the economy of society and contribute to increased growth that benefits private housing actors. It is time to consider the millions of programs as an economic and social opportunity.

Now, the Botkyrkabyggen is doing This is the largest effort ever undertaken to create outdoor environments conducive to conviviality and the fight against crime. The contributions of the National Housing, Building and Planning Office constitute an important base, as we add an equivalent amount: in total, this represents a commitment of about 70 million SEK. Safety and wellness initiatives have also been an important element of negotiations with the Tenant Association this spring of 2019 and rents in 2020.

More meeting places are needed where different generations meet, make picnics and play games. We will take over the sector and make it difficult for criminal activity. Parties with shrubs that allow illegal business without transparency of passersby. Better lighting so that, for example, more women dare to move in the areas.

We also want to create outdoor environments that favor small businesses, with a focus on small female businesses, thereby providing the opportunity to enter the community and create their own livelihoods. There are more places for spontaneous sports, outdoor playgrounds, climbing walls, dance floor and skate park. In addition, we also have many years of community cooperation in our residential areas, creating activities for youth and seniors.

Botkyrkabyggen systematizes Now also our cooperation with the police and the municipality further. Through Effective Security Coordination (EST), we meet regularly to have a common understanding of crime, analyze and decide who does what to avoid it. We also trained staff to detect extremism fighting violence and to prevent threats and violence.

But no need to do more.

  • Private owners: Invest in relationships, activities and collaborations in your fields. You must reverse the trend. Dare to be long term.
  • Municipalities and authorities: Evaluate and develop your collaborations with current actors. Together we can do more.
  • Associations with local representation: Examine what you can do to increase the safety and well-being of the Million program and look for collaboration with the city's social housing corporation. You have unique skills – you know people, quickly describe trends and build relationships. We need your presence and your expertise.

I am convinced that we can work together to shorten the list of vulnerable areas of police three. The inhabitants of Fittja, Alby and Norsborg are worth it. And we all have something to gain about it. Future citizens who feel good and secure increase their opportunities to train, work, help children with homework, pay rent and contribute to housing stability. Security is the key. We create it together.

This is an opinion piece published in Today's Society. The opinions expressed in this article are the author / authors.

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