Then the parties want to help farmers: "We can afford to save farmers"


On Monday, Interior Minister Sven-Erik Bucht (S) held a press conference with the Director General of the Agricultural Agency Christina Nordin and the President of LRF Palle Borgström on the devastating drought

in 1992 and can cost agriculture about three billion crowns.

A major problem is the lack of fodder and beast for animals, which has led to the fact that a large number of farmers are forced to kill their kisses. 39; emergency. Currently, there is a waiting line for slaughterhouses, so farmers in some cases have to have emergency killer kisses that become biogas instead of meat.

This is a difficult situation for many Swedish farmers who risk bankruptcy.

Read more: Volunteers help farmers avoid emergency killings

The government is primarily seeking the help of the EU. The Foreign Minister said he was in close contact with European Commissioner for Agriculture, Phil Hogan, about the possibilities for Sweden to receive money from the crisis fund of l & # 39; EU.

– My assessment is that the European Commission takes this seriously, said Sven-Erik Bucht on Monday.

Other government proposals are to transport food from north to south. introduce regular EU support to farmers and encourage Swedish consumers to buy Swedish meat.

– It makes a big difference if one can create a demand for Swedish products, says Bucht.

Read more: Torkan harvested harvest – now they give their animals

Read more: Betesbrist forces them to kill cows

Just the question of Swedish meat is a key element in the question right now. When kisses do not feed and eat to eat, farmers are forced to kill them. But as the demand for Swedish meat is not as high as the quantity of cows slaughtered, the waiting line is formed towards the slaughterhouses, and instead of consuming the meat, it burns and becomes biogas – what is considered waste.

Several parties now invite Swedish consumers and the public sector to buy and buy more Swedish meat to support farmers.

– We have to help everyone to buy in accordance with Swedish regulations, unfortunately many do not. Swedish consumers must also help and prioritize and buy Swedish – even at the restaurant: where does the meat come from? "Explains Kristina Yngwe, spokesperson for the Environmental Policy Center Party and Vice President of the Environment and Agriculture Committee.

She Receives Christian Democrats Agricultural Policy Magnus Oscarsson Spokesperson

– The problem is that municipalities and county councils buy a lot of meat that is not from Sweden. It is a concern that the fact that meat served in schools can, for example, be produced in a way that can impose farmers on farmers in Sweden. This is a double standard: the public kitchen has to be more active and buy meat from Sweden.

Various requirements for the protection of the environment and animal welfare affect public procurement. But in fact, in the case of government procurement, does not require to require that the meat be Swedish.

According to the latest LRF statistics (2013-2017), only half of the publicly-purchased meat products are of Swedish origin.

– You can not direct the market to a specific region, supplier, or country, "says Gustav Hammargren, Procurement Officer.

To remedy this, Magnus Oscarsson (KD) wants the government to provide slaughterhouse resources to kill more quickly.

  There is a difference between clay and sand in the field of farmers at Fjelie outside Lund

The spokesman for rural spokesperson Sten Bergheden believes that the most important in this case is the absence of clay or sand in the fields of Fjelie. is to strengthen the profitability of Swedish agriculture.

– Today, we have low competitiveness, low profitability and costly regulations. We can not combine it with high taxes in this situation. According to Bergheden, the government is slow to pay EU compensation to the peasants who, according to him, should have been paid two or three years ago.

– Drought in Sweden and neighboring countries puts strong pressure on liquidity and the price of roughage. Farmers must pay their money

Bergheid agrees with colleagues at Alliance C and KD about the importance of Swedish consumers who also attract straw and buy Swedish meat for to support the peasants.

Regarding taxes, Bergheden receives support from the Swedish Democrats who claim that Swedish farmers have suffered a long-term decline in their taxation

"Swedish Democrats have long argued that Swedish farmers Increased reduction of diesel tax at Danish level We consider that the diesel tax should be reduced to farmers and that this should be counted retroactively from 1 July 2018, when the budget of the 39, next year will be decided, "said the group. In a written declaration,

The Party of the Environment and the Left Party want more state aid to the peasants . "In addition to the drought measures presented by the government yesterday through the rural minister, in addition to these joint government proposals and ongoing measures, the recently proposed measures have been proposed half a billion measures of the government. adaptation to reduce climate change, vulnerability to drought or other extreme weather events, "writes Agnetha Boström, deputy press chief of government offices, in an email sent to DN.

The Left Party wants the government to make money directly to the farmers to save them from the crisis.

– We want the government to meet representatives of the agricultural industry as soon as possible and study the speed of the Several hundred million crowns may be needed and it is very urgent, says the leader of the left Jonas Sjöstedt at DN Friday [19659037] A dry wheat field at Täby near Stockholm “/>

in Täby outside Stockholm. Photo: Christine Olsson / TT

– We have a large surplus and a space for reform. This is not a problem. We can afford to save farmers … As a budget partner, we are ready to compensate for this. It may cost more, but we must be willing to pay. This is very urgent.

Liberal Agriculture Critic, Lars Tysklind says the party is in agreement with much of the government's proposal, proposed Monday by the Minister of Foreign Affairs rural areas

. The situation is worrying. We are largely in agreement with what the minister said. It is always important, in dialogue with agricultural organizations, to take measures that mitigate the long-term consequences, for example, of extensive slaughter. we have to invent and use the land available for forage harvesting. It is also good with food transport that runs from north to south. It is also reasonable to advance payments from EU support to farmers, "says Lars Tysklind in a written statement.

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