Then young people are deceived in crime



Today, drug trafficking is more open and shooting has become more frequent, according to a police officer who has been working in vulnerable areas of Malmö since 1993.

Photo: Rasmus Thedin

Sigrun Sigurdsson and Mohammed Elsaka at Fryshuset in Malmö think it's important to reach young people early

Another death scene and several shootings took place in Malmö .

Most shootings are relatively young. Here are some who meet young criminals on how kids get used to crime.

Sigrun Sigurdsson is director of business at Fryshuset in Malmö. The job is to create opportunities for youth at risk or who are already committing a crime.

– In general, it's going to hell for these young people. They have difficulty entering the job market. They are stigmatized youth who do not trust anyone, she says.

Several vulnerable areas of Malmö are located in the south of Malmö. There is the municipal police Stefan Wredenmark. He has worked in these fields since the early 1990s.

– These are program areas typically separated by millions. There is a desperation among many young people, no confidence in the future, he says.

Missing Male Models

Sigrun Sigurdsson takes his phone and shows a picture of a young man in a reflective vest who stands in front of a car. Previously, he was selling drugs, now he just has a real job.

– They are so proud and happy when they get a job. They do not remove work clothes at the beginning. They proudly show themselves to them in their areas, "she says.

According to her, the same people end up in crime as it has always been. It's about poverty. And often about boys growing up with single mothers, without a male model, young people living in areas where the crime is open, and most of the time, they lack education.

Young people are between the ages of 12 and 13 when they are young. they are locked in a crime.They can pass a group and get the question: "Can you take the package here and run instead and you will get a red one."

– When you are very young and suddenly get $ 500 because you have done one thing then is it huge amount of money. According to Stefan Wredenmark, it's easy to get stuck.

Bidding on the ice

They can monitor the police and run away with stuff. When seniors go on vacation, they can take over a phone and a clientele

When they get older, they can be brought to school by someone from a senior position in the hierarchy . Because they stand in some corners and sell drugs. If they look good, they can get a phone that people call to buy drugs. The more successful you are, the more lucrative you are.

– Usually, you do not have to attract them. Younger people show interest. They want to be cool. Then they take those who see the potential. Drive them to school, invite them to ice cream or let them drive a moped. They do not know what they do. They are only children, says Mohammed Elsaka, who is the youth leader at Fryshuset

TT: What makes them stay in the crime?

– They want more money. But it is also possible that older people hold them back: "We are raging for your parents". Or they threaten to hurt your family, says Sigrun Sigurdsson.

The solution is at school

She thinks the solution is in school. It must change. Today, they are not all present and there must be more models for young people. She also thinks that more resources need to be devoted to prevention

– this must be done before they leave school. Today, a criminal gang society costs 23 million SEK in 15 years. Why can not we put 500,000 on an effort which means that they do not end up there, says Sigrun Sigurdsson.

– They do not know what they do.

Mohammed Elsaka, youth leader at Fryshuset in Malmö, on young criminals

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