Thieves are still at liberty


"The active search effort started on Friday and Saturday has been somewhat reduced, we are now working on reviewing the advice we have received, and we are working on technical investigations and the analysis of detected traces," said the door. police spokesman Erik Terneborn at News.

You want more advice

Although many tips have already been received, the police continue to urge the public to listen to him.

"We are both interested in the bronze-colored Peugeot car and other observations around Åtvidaberg.First of all, we are interested in pre-flight sightings in the vicinity of Fågelsången, where thieves have been piling up their first fire truck.This is a place that has been selected.But we are also interested in something else.Have you seen something that looks like a big one? You can call us at 114 14 or contact our website Web, says Erik Terneborn.

The flight seems well planned. Do you have any idea what kind of people did it?

– Very suggest that the flight is well planned. So we can think that it was done by people who are used to committing crimes. But we do not want to speculate. We work very broadly and are therefore open to the fact that there may also be another type of criminal involved.

"Theft is a national affair"

Where are you looking for flights?

"We have worked in several counties, including for the control of vehicles.This flight is a national affair, so we are looking for a wide territory.From here from Östergötland.

What was the size of the flight?

"We can not do this for the moment, the only thing we could say about robbery so far is that they stumbled upon something that happened. they brought back from the bank.


Bank manager: no employee is injured

Theft continues – Bank staff receive telephone assistance

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