Thousands of HD less likely to assess age


The number of medical age estimates has dropped sharply this year. So far this year, the Swedish National Board of Medicines has issued a statement in about 1,200 cases, up from nearly 11,000 last year.

The number of medical age assessments has declined sharply in 2018. So far this year, the Swedish National Board of Medicines has issued a statement in about 1,200 cases, against nearly 11,000 last year. Stock Photography.picture: Jessica Gow / TT

"This is due to the fact that the Migration Office has taken care of a large part of the single children who arrived in 2015 and that there are not many who come to Sweden. less necessary to use an age assessment to strengthen their age, Lars Werkström, managing director of the Swedish Medicines Agency (RMV), at TT.

Until October, the agency had issued statements in 1,203 cases, up from 10,700 throughout the year. The forecast for 2019 is 350 numbers.

In more than 70% of cases, the results indicate that the person is over 18 years old.

RMV has been conducting age assessments since 2016. The methods for determining age are two; X-ray examination of wisdom teeth and examination of the knee joint with the help of a magnetic camera. However, methods have been criticized, especially those that measure knee edema. Critics have argued that the method is neither accurate nor legal.

But RMV did not bother him and do not do it either.

"I think it's good to make criticisms, they force us to move and do it in the best way possible.If there is new scientific knowledge or something in the criticism that brings us to everything change, of course we will, but until now, we do not think that there were such arguments, "said Lars Werkström.

That there is a link between the reduction in the number of cases and the critics, Lars Werkström does not believe.

– No, I have a hard time believing it. The assessment of age is an opportunity for the asylum seeker to strengthen his young age. I find it hard to understand that critics on this subject would reduce the temptation to use this opportunity, which is often the only chance for those who do not have papers or even know when they were born he says.

At the same time, the Executive Director questions how his authority reports on age assessments.

"I see a clear need to better inform about methods, security and uncertainties.This criticism, which stands, risks undermining our choice of method and is serious for trust in the judicial system and the system", said Lars Werkström.


age assessments

Medical age assessments are voluntary and involve two studies.

One is a radiological examination of the wisdom teeth, the other a magnetic camera examination of the knee joint.

After the investigations, a justice practitioner renders a medico-legal opinion on the age of the asylum seeker. There are three different standard answers:

That the result "says that he's 18 or older".

That result "probably speaks for the survey of 18 years or older".

That result "probably speaks for the survey of under 18 years old".

The statement will then form part of the supporting evidence that the Swedish Migration Board uses to make a decision on a residence permit.

However, the word voluntary in this context is a truth with modification, because the investigation is conducted only in cases where the Office of Migration doubts the age of the applicant 's d & # 39; ;asylum. If the person in question refuses, the migration council decides on the basis. The probability is then that the person is considered to be over 18 years old.

Source: Swedish Medicines Agency

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