Thunderstorms and Thunderstorms in the Southwest – Risk of Flooding


The extreme summer in Sweden continues. There is drought and forest fires in most of Sweden. Now, SMHI warns of clouds and thunder at the risk of floods.

– Locally, there may be large amounts of rain in a short period of time, "says Lovisa Andersson, at SMHI

The summer of 2018 is extreme. It has been unusually hot and dry since May. Farmers have sent animals to emergency shelters when food is not sufficient and the ban on irrigation prevails in several municipalities.

– Many people want rain and need rain, says Lovisa Andersson, meteorologist at SMHI


Rain and thunder at the entrance

And the rain comes down locally. On Monday, SMHI issued a risk of clouds and thunderstorms with flood risks in Västra Götaland and Jönköping County

– There may be large quantities in a short period of time time – at least 35 millimeters in three hours. This can lead to a local risk of flooding, "says Andersson.

When there is so much water in such a short time, the water can not run out. Roads, small rivers and basements can then be flooded with water.

"Follow the forecast"

Exactly where it is going to rain, however, SMHI can not say.

– There are no amounts in the whole area but there are local problems. There may be a variation in precipitation and the forecast of where it arrives is uncertain.

If forecasts become safer, the risk now issued can turn into a warning

– Follow the forecasts, listen to the weather reports and see the development of the weather, advises Lovisa Andersson.

Norwegian Storms

Forecasts are expected from an area of ​​low pressure heading south and crossing Sweden from Norway. But the rainforest will not last long.

– It will bloom tropical forests and local thunderstorms in the afternoons and evenings. During the evening, we will stabilize against the weather and the sheds will be gradually blunted, says Lovisa Andersson.

Heat Continues

Behind the rainforest, time should stabilize and, in addition to any local shed, return to what has been the normal state until this summer – the high summer heat

– It will stay dry. Temperatures will gradually increase during the week. It will be over 25 degrees and in some places over 30, says Lovisa Andersson.

Intelligent watermark when it dries 00:38

Definition risk of heavy rainfall

A risk of heavy rainfall can lead to flooding in basements, water systems , water courses and flood risks. The uncertainty in the development of the weather, however, is high. If forecasts become safer, they can be replaced by a warning.

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