Today, the lawsuit is underway against Dickson Etuhu – here's the evidence


It's in May 2017 that the news broke and shocked the whole football. The goalkeeper of AIK, Kyriakos Stamatopoulosbeing contacted by two men during a match attempt during a match between IFK Gothenburg and AIK. A match that would have taken place on May 18, 2017.

Kyriakos should have rejected the men's request and then go to friends and family to discuss the event. Then Stamatopoulos will tell the incident for the head coach of the AIK Rikard Norling After which, Norling and the AIK security officer decided to report the event to the Swedish Football Association and the police.

It became clear later that one of the men had been part of the AIK and on September 18 of this year referees Johan Lindmark chase against the former AIK player and the other man, 37 years old, also footballer.

Earlier this week, the former AIK player entered Dickson Etuhu spoke publicly in an interview to DN and spoke about Etuhu and 37 years old. Nyheter24 took part in the prosecution and summarized the evidence against the former AIK player to avoid them.


Dickson Etuhu is accused of gross muta reward or assisted in gross bribe reward. In addition, Etuhu is also charged with two small drug offenses that will have occurred in 2017.

The 37-year-old is charged with gross bribe reward.

the proof

It also seems that Etuhu should have made transactions for the 37-year-old man. The charge contains both oral, filmed and written evidence against Dickson Etuhu and 37 years old.

interrogation of witnesses

During the preliminary investigation, the police questioned the three parties and several witnesses. Among other things, they held a testimony with a close friend of Stamatopoulos, reinforcing his account that the incident should have occurred.

A bettor was also asked about sales and more about a totally Swedish football match, which proves that the crime is flagrant.

Written evidence

The written evidence includes a WhatsApp conversation between Etuhu and Stamatopolous. A conversation where Etuhu wanted to meet Stamatopolous and that he could not say that Etuhu was in Stockholm at that time.

In the conversation, Etuhu does not say that he wants to meet Stamatopolous with the 37-year-old player.


Photographs from a surveillance camera at the restaurant where the three met confirmed that the meeting had taken place between the three parties.


A surveillance film also confirms that the meeting took place, as well as the story of Kyriakos Stamatopoulo on how the meeting should have been supported.

Account Analysis

Analyzes were also performed on the 37-year-old Ethus accounts, which notably show that the 37-year-old plays too much for a gaming company.

It seems that Etuhu should have made transactions on the account of 37 years old. Etuhu and the 37-year-old also have common economic relationships that will prove that they acted together and in concert.

Meals and conversations

The 37-year-old also receives an email from a gaming company that says he's already played at AIK and at IFK Göteborg. Something to prove that he plays and follows the two teams involved.

During the preliminary investigation, Etuhus's cell phone was also checked between the period of February 11 to June 20, 2017. During this period, both people received 184 calls (incoming, outgoing, missed) together. This will prove that Etuhu had an interest in playing the match between IFK Gothenburg and AIK.

The trial is scheduled to be completed today, November 29, 2018.

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