Torsby, one of the best school municipalities in the country


The municipality of Torsby removes a fifth place out of 290 in the latest ranking of the Teachers' Association among the best school municipalities in Sweden. The municipality has registered 82 internships since 2017. This explains the TT news agency.

Regarding the two criteria that the union considers the most important, namely the proportion of teachers with a level of education and the density of teachers, Torsby finishes instead in place 53 and 33, respectively.

The ranking is based on the official statistics of the Swedish National Agency for Education and Statistics and on the union's own data concerning, inter alia, wages and sick leave.

The best school municipality in the country is Velinge in Scania, followed by Orust (Västra Götaland), Vadstena (Östergötland) and Båstad (Skåne).

The municipality of Nästbeste Värmland is Hammarö at the place 13, followed by Storfors at the place 40.

The most disadvantaged municipality in Värmland is Kil instead 265, then Munkfors instead 251.

The five worst municipalities in the country are Katrineholm (Södermanland), Nordanstig (Gävleborg), Lilla Edet (Västra Götaland), Tierp (Uppsala) and the last Fagersta (Västmanland).

The ranking of the Teachers & # 39; Association is based on 13 criteria. The classification is exhaustive and includes preschools, recreation centers, primary schools and, in some parts, high schools. Municipal schools and independent schools are included, but the ranking does not say anything about a specific school. The data were collected from Statistics Sweden, the Swedish National Agency for Education, part-time statistics and surveys of federal departments.

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