Tourist choir on the Öresund bridge – long queues


There are long tails on the deck of Öresund. Additional staff is called to reduce queues of about four kilometers.

– There are a lot of vacationers, says Jens Genders, press attaché at the Öresund Bridge.

There are currently long queues for motorists heading to Sweden across the Öresund Bridge, as reported SVT.

– There are really a lot of vacationers and waiting lines are popping up. They are longer than expected, says Jens Genders.

Photo: Öresundsbro Konsortiet

Tails of one kilometer on the bridge of Öresund.

One kilometer waiting queue

Additional staff is called and the Öresund Bridge maintains all open locations and files to reduce the problem. Nevertheless, the waiting lines in Sweden are about four kilometers long.

– We are doing everything we can to get people to hurry as quickly as possible, says Jens Genders.

Queues mean that the trip takes about half an hour longer than usual.

– Some Swedes return home after their holidays, while there are Danes in Sweden and tourists in Europe, says Jens Genders.

On the other side, towards Denmark, there are tails of about 500 meters.

Recurring Problems

Last Saturday, between 10am and 5pm, similar queues took place on the deck of the Öresund and Jens Genders expects that queues will be held. Waiting also arrive two Saturdays.

– You can expect to take a little more time. If you are traveling by ferry, you should be at the moment, says Jens Genders.

The three titles of today Saturday, July 14 00:29

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