Traces of chemical contraceptives in shrimp – P4 Gothenburg


– I think it is serious that we have an area in Sweden where there is a lot of chemical warfare and where, obviously, they are fleeing fish and shrimp, "says Fredrik Lindgren, investigator at Sea and Sea. water authority, in Ekot

But there is no danger of eating shrimp caught in this area because there are very small traces of traces of chemical agents.

– Eating shrimp from this region is not dangerous. There is no danger of consumption, you can still eat shrimp, "says Lindgren

– We do not judge that there are any health risks. You can eat a lot without having harmful levels, "says Salomon Sand at the Food Administration.

It was something years after World War II as the 28 allied ships dumped, filled with chemical disasters, about 200 meters deep to the west of Måseskär to Skagerrak at 39. outside Bohuslän.

The chemical fight as a Now, traces of this are likely to come from bombs that have roasted and the contents then escapes, according to the Authority of the Sea and Water.

Last year, low levels of chemical warfare were measured in crayfish and flatfish and a new study shows that there are also traces of the same chemical warfare in shrimps of the North Sea, namely the usual shrimp.
The Måseskär area is considered unfit for fishing. But Fredrik Lindgren says that there are still a lot of problems at the wreckage and that they are also popular for recreational fishing, and now he wants to ban fishing.

– But Sweden can not ban fishing because we have international agreements with other countries that says they can fish on our water if we can fish on theirs. But I think it would have been good to look at an international agreement or the like.

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