Traffic accident at Staffanstorp – several wounded


Four people were rushed to hospital after an accident at Staffanstorp on Thursday afternoon.

During the rescue, there was a total stop on the road in both directions.

– Three cars were rescued from the site, says Rickard Lundqvist to the police

The accident occurred at Särslöv on Highway 11, before Staffanstorp on Thursday afternoon.

– When the police arrive, three cars are involved and nine people are involved or injured, "said Rickard Lundqvist, president of the police management center.

According to SOS Alarm, it was a sidocrash. Several people were involved in the accident and according to the first police data, nine people were injured.

Four people were taken to hospital, SOS Alarm announced on Thursday afternoon.

Total stop in traffic

There was a total stoppage of traffic in both directions immediately after the accident and Malmö traffic was reoriented.

– Three cars were evacuated from the site, says Rickard Lundqvist.

The road was sanctioned and in the 17th century the police and officials had left the scene of accidents.

– A notification of road accidents will be established. The survey will show what happened, says Rickard Lundqvist.

So many road accidents occur each year 00:29

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