Traffic accident in Åtvidaberg – the death of a woman


Two passenger cars sailed on Highway 731 in Åtvidaberg

Drivers were badly injured and taken to an ambulance hospital

– Unfortunately, a driver, a 20-year-old woman, is deceased as a result of his injuries. to the police

The two frontal cars swung on the 731 road between Åtvidaberg and Falerum at lunchtime on Wednesday.

– A car has fallen into the wrong lane and there is a traffic lane, says Erik Terneborg, the police spokesman in the East Region


They were seriously injured and transported to the hospital with an ambulance

A died at the hospital

At the age of 16, police reported that l & rsquo; One of them had died in a hospital

and his relatives were informed. The driver of the other car is a 30-year-old woman, who is taken care of at the hospital, but who should not be fatally injured according to the information received, "said Erik Terneborg

. rescue work total stop on the road in both directions. The road could be opened later

It is still unclear what caused the accident of the road.

– We took both cars for a technical review in order to check if there was a malfunction of the car accident. We will also hear the injured woman as soon as possible.

5 ways to show consideration in traffic 00:45

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