Traffic on E4 may be affected by Möckelsjöberget smoke


It was noon to Friday that the alarm was received. During the night, the civil service and the volunteers tried to fight the fire, but it was not possible to extinguish it. It blew a lot, and during the two nights of Friday and night to Saturday, the flames spread a lot. The fire zone should be about 1000×1000 meters now.

– It increases, we can not turn it off. "We do not move around the snake," says Peter Andersson at the Rescue Service

Prudently Optimistic

On Saturday, you will continue to try to limit the fire. The rescue service, however, says you are cautiously optimistic. But there is smoke and smoke can spread to the E4, which can cause traffic problems. The location is not there yet. It depends a lot on the direction of the wind.

– The road to Älandsbro will be smokier today, says Peter Andersson

Emergency services have prevented the Swedish Transport Administration from coping with the situation.

Bad with Resources

During Friday, it took a long time to bring helicopters to the site and other materials because the situation is so busy with the rescue service. Great resources are put in place to extinguish the four largest fires in the country, which were also called for hot fires during the rain-free Friday. One of them is the fire of Brattsjö outside Örnsköldsvik. However, on Saturday, the rescue service announced that German helicopters were going to Möckelsjöberget to take part in the extinction works. However, we do not know what time they arrive.

However, the Möckelsjöberget fire went through a power line and a windmill. But we should turn off electricity as a safety measure. However, it should not affect the audience significantly.

Update 12.12: At 1 pm Saturday, the smoke had not yet gone to E4, but the rescue service said that people were in place. just watching him.

Text is in the process of being updated.

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