Tram and passenger car in an accident | Gothenburg after


The alarm on the accident arrived at 5:33 pm. A passenger car should have collided with a tram between Olskroken and Svingeln stops. According to the rescue service, the accident must be of minor importance

– A person who has been in the car has back pain and will be taken to an ambulance hospital, "said Tommy Nyman, West-West Police spokesman, the tram was damaged

Delay in tram traffic

The accident caused a tram stop There are lines 1, 3, 7, 9 and 11 were affected.

– We installed buses that will replace trams, said Camilla Kaneflo, interference coordinator at Västtrafik

At 18:25, West Traffic announced that the traffic could roll back as usual on the affected reaches.

probably delay in the evening, "said Linnea Lorensson, interference coordinator at Västtrafik.

Västtrafik introduces replacement buses between the main station, Redbergsplatsen and Gamlestadstorget. From Olskroststorget, there was no public transport until the accident was cleaned up.

– One can refer to other stops nearby because it is impossible to take a bus on Olskrokstorget now, says Camilla Kaneflo. [ad_2]
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