Two fell over a boat collision – Pages –


Police, Coast Guard and Maritime Rescue were all summoned to the Gryt Archipelago on Saturday afternoon. This after two boats collided at Stora Bockholmen.

– There are two high-speed motor boats. The biggest boat simply rolled on the smaller boat, "said Jim Karlsson at Arkösund, Sjöräddäddnin company, located on the spot

– The small boat crashed and two people fell on board, l & rsquo; One of them ending up under the boat

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Image of the archive: The sailing rescue in Arkösund [19659010] One of the people who fell on board was injured.

– I did a quick assessment of the injury, it is a slight injury.But the ambulance staff can do an assessment when we are in a country

Ambulance personnel met later in Tyrislöt.

– We did the same assessment as we did. It was a leg injury more Jim Karlsson

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– But those who fell on board were, of course, shocked and icy, he said.

In the other, the biggest, the boat was four people on board.

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– It is interesting to note that all participants had a fabulous trip. It was a serious collision, "said Karlsson

The police were in place to investigate all the crimes of the event.

– There is no violation of the law, however.But it is very likely that there will be a violation of the law of the sea, "said Roland Carlsson, chief officer in the East Police Region

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