Two men ended up in a canal after fierce fighting in Gothenburg


The alert about the battle came to the police and rescue at 01.15 overnight to Saturday. The location: Brunnsparken in Gothenburg.

Witnesses beckoned in a bypass police car.

When they arrived, one of the men managed to get up from the canal while the other, a younger man, had fallen to the bottom. A policeman jumped into the water and managed to lift it

– This is not particularly deep, but on the other hand, it is quite deep. It's easy to get stuck with some strength, "says Göran Karlborg, commander of the West Police. But this man was under the water and a colleague walked slowly and managed to lift him.

He was then taken by ambulance with an ambulance to Sahlgrenska Hospital. The newspaper Göteborgs Posten, who first wrote about the incident, says that the state is poorly known.

On the night of Saturday to Saturday, a 45-year-old man was arrested for questioning.

– He was taken to another address here in town, says Göran Karlborg. I dare not answer when he is arrested.

Police investigate the night's event as an alleged attempt at alternative murder.

– At this moment, we describe the event as an attempt to give up, "said Ann-Christin Löfstrand, police officer in charge of the newspaper.

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