Two new forest fires – Police suspect that someone was on fire


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Police now suspect that both fires were landed

"Both fires are extinguished by the rescue service using a plurality of units." Circumstances Surrounding the fires are such that it can not be ruled out that the fires are developed and thus two murder reports are made. "The police wrote on his website.

According to the rescue service, he burned in the ground between Sala and Broddbo. Jon's Dust

– There was a field fire on a surface the size of a football field. We have had five extinguishing devices in place and the fire is under control, we will stay in the area for about 2-3 hours, "said Hans Eriksson, a service management service provider.

– When the staff extinguished the fire There was smoke on the other side of the lake, south of Oxbo, and then we sent staff there.

There, he burned in an area of ​​about 25×100 meters.

First fire alarm:

Other fire alarm:

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