Two stolen on necklaces for a short time | Gothenburg after


The old man, who is in the 70s, was returning home when an unknown man suddenly appeared and chased his cleavage. The abuser ran out of the place and disappeared and the old man could come out unscathed from his home and alert the police. He said that before he was stolen, he had been persecuted by the perpetrator of the offense.

Less than two hours later, a disabled man was stolen from his gold chain in Östra Hamngatan. He told police that he was pushed and hit the ground when two young men pulled his collar. Then they ran out of the place and disappeared with the gold chain. The man says he's not in need of care.

– We have seen a sharp increase in these crimes since May, when the heat started. People dress more easily and the attacker sees what you wear and can choose his victim in another way, "says Stefan Gustafsson, the presidential spokesman for the police in the West.

He states that there are often elderly people who are victims of this type of crime.

– There are no brave people who directly choose seniors and people with disabilities to steal. It's a choice they make, to have a chance of not being picked up on the spot.

According to his experience, the authors are often younger men.

– These are people who have understood that this is a quick way to get money. Gold is expensive today and it is easy to convert into silver.

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