Ulf Kristersson has made four mistakes since the election


Moderators since the election have failed with almost everything

Ulf Kristersson made at least four strategic mistakes after the elections.

They split the Alliance into two parts and made Kristersson a loser.

The first mistake was not made by Ulf Kristersson but by his representative Anna Kinberg Batra. He had the effects.

In January 2017, Kinberg Batra said that she wanted the Alliance to propose a common budget alternative and start talking to Swedish Democrats in parliamentary committees.

This triggered a deep crisis among the moderates. This led Anna Kinberg Batra, who quickly published her memoirs, was forced to leave the leadership position of the party.

This has also created a great deal of uncertainty about the attitude of the moderates towards the Swedish Democrats, do they want them to do it or not? He inherited Ulf Kristersson. But, despite several attempts, he failed to make it clearer.

Turning now to Ulf Kristersson's strategic failures:

1. Vote of the Prime Minister

Even before the elections, the Alliance had announced that it would request a vote of the Prime Minister after the elections to check if Stefan Löfven had the support of the newly elected parliament.

It was a mistake. First, because the decision was made before the election results. Second, at least theoretically, this could already happen in the last term, when it was also a bourgeois majority in the Riksdag.

In any case, the result of the maneuver was that Löfven was dismissed. And it became clear that Ulf Kristersson had no strategy for the future.


Ulf Kristersson (M).

2. Government Training Attempts

Although Kristersson has no lasting idea of ​​how to form a government, he assumes the president's mission of trying to form the government.

After 13 days, he gave up. At the same time, he announced that none of the governments he would direct would be approved by the Riksdag.

The conclusion can only be one. Kristersson will not become prime minister under the current circumstances. He introduced himself as a loser who did not intend to return.

3. The hatred of Swedish democrats

Three days after the elections, the four party leaders of the Alliance wrote an article of debate in which they invited Stefan Löfven and the Social Democrats to talk about cooperation across the bloc.

The article concluded that they did not intend to negotiate with the Swedish Democrats to review their policy. "We will not strengthen the government's power over sustainable development.The Alliance will not let either the Swedish Democrats or the Left Party influence the politics of a new government."

Obvious. No correspondence with SD except the formalities.

But a month later, Kristersson had changed his mind. In a publication on Facebook, he wrote that the first-hand option of the Alliance, namely a collaboration with the Social Democrats, had failed.

His remaining option was an alliance government. Or what he called a 3-2-1 solution. Thus, the moderates form the government with one or more other parties of the alliance.

Ebba Busch Thor (KD) was the only one who thought it was a good idea. Annie Lööf (C) and Jan Björklund (L) felt that the fund was resilient because the construction was based on support for sustainable development.

They also said that they were going to vote against a government with M and KD. The Alliance was about to miss Kristersson's piruettes.

4. Budget

Earlier this week, Elisabeth Svantesson, a moderate economic spokeswoman, announced that she thought the Alliance would present an alternative to the state budget of the transitional government.

C and L immediately thanked no, with regard to the absence of government. Then Svantesson said the moderates presented their own alternative.

In theory, it would be possible to vote in parliament because M, KD and SD are bigger together than the red-green parties.

In a short time, Svantesson, of which Ulf Kristersson had laid the foundations, had not only created a budget crisis in parallel with the current bill.

She had further deepened the crack in the Alliance.

Summaries summarized, moderators since the election have failed with almost everything except to force the gap between the parties of the Alliance.

And to have a moderate elected president. What is it worth in the context?

That's Lena Mellin 0:25

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