Ulf Kristersson: "The Trump presidency is not encouraging"


There are wavering times in Swedish politics and there are wavering times in the world.

The moderators of the press want to grow

At the hearing of DN in Almedalen, he gives a gloomy picture of the US administration and the presidency of Donald Trump.

This is not encouraging, he says.

– If you take this deep principle, I am really worried. The United States is acting less, because we still hope that America should act. Russia is acting more and more because we have always feared to act. And seen China as a new geopolitical actor in both the economy and in security policy. It's a whole new world that we see before us. It is not the democratic forces in the first place that are developing.

What are the biggest challenges of cooperation with President Trumps USA?

– It is clear that Europe has good reason to continue working closely with a very large democracy, even when it does not act and act like we want it. But it also says something about the importance of bringing Europe together. If the EU must be able to impose strict requirements on the United States, China and Russia, it is a strong EU in the middle.

Read more: Gunnar Strömmer – The refugee activist became the equilibrist of moderators

A month ago, Ulf Kristersson met German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin [19659002] – We have landed that's a concern. Europe and the United States could be common democratic powers that respect China, but make very harsh demands on how trade conditions and such things will evolve. Now, the EU is fighting with the United States on one side and with China on the other side. In addition, Ulf Kristersson is an EU that feels less alone.

Angela Merkel is in the midst of a government crisis, as a result of prolonged and difficult German government training.

In Sweden, the alliance's cooperation is shaken by the way the bourgeois parties will act in parliament after the elections. The moderators want the chair and vice-chair positions to be distributed proportionally to the size of the parties. But the Liberals and the Center Party are not currently behind the principle, referring to the resistance of the Social Democrats.

Read more: Former KD Summit: The End of the Alliance

– It's math, not politics. If you do not make any deals, most will take all the items. All presidential and vice-presidencies. Nobody has until now seemed fair and reasonable in parliamentary work, "says Ulf Kristersson

What does that mean for the image and trust in the cooperation of l & # 39; alliance?

– It is unfortunate that it becomes such. The parties agreed. Someone on the road managed to misunderstand intentionally or unintentionally what that meant. But it's just to say that we are two months ahead of a choice and that nerves lie outside the body of very many in Swedish politics right now.

Those with nerves outside the body are the Center Party and the Liberals. ]

– No, I just said that there is a nervousness in Swedish politics understandable when one has two months.

Not you? before a choice. Everything is so unclear.

One of Ulf Kristersson's main messages to Almedalen is that Sweden is in a completely new political stance and that he seriously desires discussion

– If politics does not take place and its important mission, then they will come as forces and the bottom destroys democracy as a board of directors in difficult business … Then they will move their feet again and again after time. And that's what we are looking at right now.

How do you solve this problem?

– Yes, the first is like "Sharpen!" Or "Sharpen us!" I have no trouble keeping two thoughts in my head at the same time. I do not like the economic policies of the social democrats. I do not like their contribution policy. But I have no problem trying to find common denominators about things that are vital to Swedish security in the very long run.

The moderators proposed a ban on what you call moral decision-makers in the suburbs. How do you know who is a moral police?

– All of us who have been pretty much in a number of our vulnerable suburbs, we have a good intuitive insight into what we are talking about. We are talking about people who, even in the public space, do not check less women and girls, but sometimes even men, how to act, have social control. How to call it formally can be discussed. Some legal work is required.

How to get legal certainty around this?

– It will certainly be necessary to investigate exactly. I have a lot of respect for the law before forming a team.

Ulf Kristersson on …

… The Swedish Academy should be dissolved:

– I have treated all issues on the Swedish Academy. They do not need a point of view, therefore. But I like the Nobel Prize.

… a valid verdict for the moderates, even after difficult government negotiations:

– I will not train and lead a government for a responsible economic policy that will even occupy the next recession. I will not train and lead a government for a responsible defense and security policy that can protect Swedish interests. Nor will I train or direct a government for a responsible migration policy in this country.

… what Swedish politician he would like to revive among the dead for the campaign:

– I always ask Gösta Bohman. He should contribute wisely. And a little enthusiasm and temperament. This is not the case that the policy must either be written in the form of an open letter and a public inquiry process or be a kickback.

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