Unexpected family relationships among birds | Gothenburg after


It is estimated that species began to divide 18 to 20 million years ago, during the Miocene epoch.

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The new discoveries have led a Swedish, Chinese, Danish, Swiss and American international research group to study the DNA of more than 400 species, the University of Uppsala announced in a press release.

Seven main branches of the bird species were identified and classified during the study. Several birds, previously considered as different species of species belonging to the same species, do not seem to be closely related to the researchers and must therefore be classified as completely different species.

Many species have never been analyzed using genetic methods, and only a few of them are present in Sweden, such as black hair, gardeners and peasants.

Birds particularly like dense undergrowth in the woods, but some live in brush, in dry areas and in wetlands where vegetation is plentiful.

Several follow-up studies on the ecology, development and protection of birds will be carried out on the basis of new discoveries.

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