Värmland relatively exposed to thunder damage


Kalmar County is at the top of the list and the number of injured at the same time was barely 5,000 and 73.6 million were paid to the victims.

– Thunder causes electric shock and destroys the electronics. But it is possible to significantly reduce the risk of dull effects of thunder with very simple measures. Said Johan Litsmark, Landscaping Specialist at Länsförsäkringar

All Electronics at Risk

Most damage is caused by the power of the flash that passes through buildings through the cables. and between the electronics that is connected to the power grid.

– All that is connected to the area under a storm is in danger, including appliances like the fridge freezer, so they make sure that they work after the storm has passed.

Injuries are not always visible

A thunderbolt can also cause damage that is only detected much later. If the insulation of the cables is damaged, for example, it may be visible only in the fall when the heat is on again.

– If you know that the thunder has fallen, you can ask an electrician to come and measure your electrical system to exclude such damage. A ground fault interrupter also reveals many errors, explains Johan.

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